Friday, 5 April 2024

Translationary Changes Taking Place

Spiritual More Accurate

Than the Technical?

The different translations today reveal the mindset of the authors and their prevailing patterns in translation efforts reveal their bias since the original documents were written. 

This bias leans heavily on the technical vs the spiritual sense. The original documents reflect a much

Ancient writers were not so impressed with time as we are today. They had, and took it as well, a different attitude before they wrote their final first versions. Hebrews 11:1 demonstrate this point clearly. The original interpretation emphasis formerly stressed more actual concrete views. So then, faith is a substance, not a vague conviction and faith is evidence of the unseen, not an assurance. 

Some scholars emotionally disagree with Sarah Young, not noticing they are under the same judgment. The Bible was written in a much more spiritual setting than we have today. We are much more technical today and it can be seen in today's translations acting to water down the spiritual truth in my view. We see things differently than the ancient writers. We are in a less spiritual and more technical age.      

All this literal accuracy reflects a lessening belief at the foundation of their outlook on faith, in my view. Forty days and forty nights meant a long time, not an actual forty days and nights. So, to pass the test to be a rabbi could allow for rain that may have been present all night. 

Also, therefore, my horse, my horse, my kingdom for a horse was likely never actually uttered but was more accurate. And Billy Southworth likely never was the person who said pitching the double header the next day would be Spahn and Sain and pray for rain. 

It was nevertheless more arcuately reflecting the actual spirit as the more true view. It better captures the view at the time just the same, even tho the Braves lost the series to Cleveland.