Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Are Christians smart?

Jesus inferred we were not. He said the children of the world were smarter than the children of the light. This was in the parable of the unjust servant. In church we see everyone likes to review the easy but no word about the more difficult to explain. Indeed some never even heard of it and became quite upset with me over my questions from the time I was a child.

I asked what happened to all those who died in the Flood. I was laughed at so extravagantly that it made it into the High School (Christian) yearbook.  The answer of course was right there in the account  of the crucifion itself. If we, and the teacher yet, didn't know, then where are we? How central can we get?

The parables contain the commandments of Jesus. If we love Jesus then we kmow and obey His commandments. I am not a chapter and verse man, but if I'm correct, try Luke 16:8 in the parable of the unjust servant for verification.