Reason proof is always only to our satisfaction, but never absolute is because in the seen world everything is subject to inexplicable rotating change, as if in a dream. Faith, nothing wavering, is absolute. How could uncertain proof stand still beside it? Proof streches from the possible to the probable. Proof is whatever one is comfortable within a person. Many do not have any view on this. My view, as vague as it may be, is trying to get out of a kind of shell hiding my full view, whatever it may become.
Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Jesus, writing only once... in the sand...
....talked only and it was written down by many, then copied by many more. Today , some wonder if He ever lived. Yet, was it Homer who wrote one book? One book only and no one questions whether he ever lived or not. Yet another typically misunderstood fact. All those witnesses writing their memories down and they over time yet all put together a totally unique story hung together perfectly.
All that and disagreed on various facts, which is usual among so many witnesses. This proves they did not conspire to create such an original story, but they saw certain facts each from their own perspective. And that perspective was predicted by prophets over the ages all thru the Old Testament. Meanwhile He was 33 and His ministry lasted three years. It is all hard to believe, the wonder of it all.
It requires faith to believe, not proof. Those drawn by God will seek it out, deligently.