The spirit of a matter is the source of the letter of a matter. The main message of the most ancient writers, not highlighted by many today, is that God is the spirit of existence. And not similiar to an idol, merely a supreme being. Many people miss the main message of Jesus also, who are unaware of the existence of the abstracted world of the spirit, that of the existence of the abstract "unseen" like the wind, full of forces like gravity or magnetics. Instead, the majority of voices raised up against God are really focused singularly against churches, not God.
They are repelled by the history of all churches which if one were to devote their attention to just the christian churches alone their clerical story of violent disagreement and hair splitting is shocking in the extreme. On these reflections the basis for atheism rests. On this well it might if that were the proper definition of God on which they very often substitute the concept of supreme being.