Thursday, 11 March 2021

Are you drawn to God?

Ever sit down to negotiate with God?

Only God does the drawing. When Jesus said  those who come to God can only come because God draws them, many fell away from His ministry. The instant I experienced that I felt suddenly it was too bad, that Jesus sort of lost followers, but Jesus was resolute. Later it looked like it was a fact to Him and that was all there was to it. So when God, the Holy Spirit of Existence, attracts anyone according to the words of Jesus, then I find myself parking it off to the side for further understanding, rather than me sitting across the table questioning things.  

Dawn comes over
"Marble Head"

As for myself, after reacting the way I did about churchgoer harangues, in their torment talk, me blaming God Himself for it all, I have to say He put up with a truck load of nonsense from me. Guess you have to say I was much later incredibly embarrassed, with me accepting the misplaced authority fallacy. I should have known but my spirits were lifted when I read about God forgiving David because David was honest with God. I might have been stupid but I was definitely honestly stupid. 

Monday, 28 December 2020


 Jesus said to the woman, do you believe I can do this? She said yes, then Jesus said be it done for you according to your faith. 

Sunday, 27 December 2020

What is this, in for a penny, or in for a pound?

 Jesus said if one has enough faith, great faith, one can even move mountains. Specifically, strong faith could uproot a mountain and dash it into the sea. Quite a few think He did not really mean it, He was just speaking metaphorically. Probably for emphasis I guess. Who knows?  I myself? 
I believe it!

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Jesus in John 6:24

 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.

The Lesser orbits the Greater

This is the verse which caused many to leave Him, apparently for doctrinaire reasons. Rather not speak why at this moment but am not particularly inspired by doctrinaire reasons. Seems it is rather more like political positions, where they speak of one another who will obey the law but not the spirit of the law. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

parables contain commandments

And his master praised the unrighteous steward because he had acted shrewdly; for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light. Luke 18:8 

I always knew this but wondered why? What does Jesus mean here? That the world is smarter than we are? Looks like look-up item.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


.....every careless word that men shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment. Matt 32:36 

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 This well suggests that one have a greater respect for the power of words. Words can build on power by themselves as well as destroy ourselves in a series of seeming acts of kneejerk  compulsions .

Friday, 23 October 2020

The flesh cannot help us.....

 It is the Spirit which gives life. The flesh will not help you. The things which I have told you are spiritual and are life. But some of you will not believe me.For Jesus knew from the beginning which of his followers did not trust him and who was the man who would betray him. Then he added, "This is why I said to you, 'No one can come to me unless my Father puts it into his heart to come.'"